Welcome to my little corner of the internet. As the weeks roll on you can check back here for posts about design, book culture, writing, and travel; I hope this place becomes an inspiring and informative resource for you.
You can read all about my professional accomplishments and what I can do for you on my About page, so I thought I'd share something a bit more personal here. Starting with something simple...
LIKES: coffee / cheese / when my body and the outside air are the same temperature / bikes / books / reading in bed / waking up next to the person I love / learning new things / buttons / smoothly flowing ink pens / cats / cats in bookstores / otters / pizza / Haribo Gold gummy bears / books / never having to cook / lists / a well-made bed / my really comfortable jeans with holes in them, even though my grandmother hates them, and my partner thinks it’s hypocritical because I hate his ripped pants / good red wine / cheap red wine / really, I’m happy with wine / books / long walks / collecting beach treasures/ the sound of the ocean / living near water, I think this is a necessity for the soul in the same way that a roof, a bed, and a meal are necessary for survival / the colour copper turns when you heat it / Lake Wahwashkesh / brunch with friends / greenery / marshmallows / good puns / print design / books / rocking chairs, swings, anything that sways / dresses that swish /dresses that have pockets (the ideal dress of course both swishes and has pockets) / hot sauce / words in which the second letter is “u” — puddle, mud, bum, lunch, yup… / hand-knit blankets / Mars bars / bookstores / snail mail / gelato (I could really put all food here, I guess what I’m saying is I like to eat) / trees, especially fig trees with huge vines that look like they are older than civilization and kind of wise / in contrast, the smell of freshly hewn lumber / the taste of the sea in the air / the luxury of whiling away an afternoon in the sun / riding in boats / snorkelling — socially acceptable voyeurism? / mountains — though sometimes they make me cry / feeling strong and capable / apple pie / bright colours / bubbles / books / the few and far too fleeting moments when “not doing anything” doesn’t make me feel guilty / rings / wearing denim and canvas and feeling that my style is somewhere between my mother in her 20s and a messy but functional artist / fresh flowers / touching soft things to my cheek / talking about books / being in libraries / the way small children walk like Godzilla / day dreaming / saunas / websites that don’t have pop ups / yellow things in grey spaces / rainy days that allow for books and movie marathons (which are basically the physical embodiment of yellow things in grey spaces) / watching the colours of bruises change — not the bruise itself, just the silver lining of wearable rainbows after a brush with pain / the fact that my grandmother Skypes with me / books
So tell me, what do you like?